Posted by matt on 27th February 2010

2nd Bad Lt Huckjam – Feb at Airkix

On Friday 26th February we held the 2nd monthly Huck Jam at the Manchester Airkix wind tunnel. Over 25 people turned up putting the cat amongst the pigeons and requiring some additional airtime purchasing!

We were joined by many familiar faces, some new ones and some unexpected ones!! We were pleased to have Mathias Holtz of Skywalker fame (multiple Norwegian freefly champion & World record holder) and Fred Fugen of Babylon (multiple World Champion & World record holder) come and visit to add an international flavour to the evening!!!! Nice one boys.

Groups of all levels were formed from the attendants of the event. Basic group head up work, entry level VFS and higher level flying groups rotated amongst each other for the 2 hours that was flown. Depending on size of groups people paid £50 and flew between 15 to 30 minutes, a snip of the full hourly rate!

After flying it was great to see the majority of flyers stay on for a drink and social debrief at the fully stocked bar. We did our best to drink it dry, but in the early morning we threw in the towel and let the Airkix staff finally go home. Thanks guys for working those long shifts just to keep us happy, it’s much appreciated!!!

The next Huck Jam dates are soon to be released, so keep your eyes peeled. If you want to come fly with others, have a laugh, learn and pay a fraction of the price then this event is for you!!! Thanks once again to all those who turned up, we look forward to seeing you all again at the next events.

And remember, if you’re not flying at the next event, “What the Huck were you thinking?”

Fly hard mofos

The Bad Lieutenants

BTW. You can check out some photos from the Huckjam in our Photo Gallery

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